Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Privacy advocates target online advertisers" By: Jessica Guynn

This was an interesting article I found in the LA Times. The gist of it is this:

"A coalition of consumer and privacy groups is taking its fight for online consumer privacy to Capitol Hill. In their sights: online advertising practices and behavioral targeting. In a joint letter to Congress, the groups warn that tracking and targeting of consumers have reached 'alarming levels.' "

I really don't like how our information is pretty much very accessible to anyone in the world via the Internet. It's pretty scary if you think about it. Anyone, people you have no idea that exist can locate your most personal information with a bit of research, and can basically screw you over, if you're lucky enough for them to pick you. We never really think anything of it, that our records are on here, our birth dates, relationships, basically anything and everything you put on the Internet, advertisers can find, as well as creepy strangers.

I agree with this article, and the fight that the coalition is putting up for us. As consumers, I feel we have the right to manage how our information is being used, where it's being used, when it's being used, and by WHO. I don't want people taking my information without me knowing, and I'm sure no one else care for that either. The article also states that Facebook (oh, Facebook, you never cease to amaze me) has gone out and done something about privacy recently, and has given its users the options to keep their information secure from outsiders.

Technology is starting to get quite scary as it progresses.

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