Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Billy Joel's First-Ever Commercial Music License Spawns YouTube Hit" By: Kiran Aditham

Way to go Billy! Billy Joel is getting in touch with advertising by licensing his song in a commercial for a retailed in the UK. This Youtube video got 130,000 hits in 6 days! Imagine the sales that location got after this aired! What I think is so great about Billy Joel letting his music out for advertising purposes is that not only will people go to this retailer, but they will also go out and buy Billy Joel tickets, albums, apparel, anything. I'm sure he doesn't need the money, but the fact that he, of all people- a huge star- is licensing his music for ads. is a big step and change in times. You don't hear a lot of the great artists of all time's music in commercials or any other type of advertising, so I think it's really great that he lent his song out. Not to mention, this is such a sweet video!


  1. Hearing Billy Joel's music in commercials and other advertisements will spark a relation and connection to those who listen to Bill Joel. This will then relate the product to Billy Joel in their minds. If people like Billy Joel it will make people want to go out and but the product. This is clever... and seems as if it will work!

  2. So I never listened to Billy Joel, ever. But this is very interesting to me. You would think that an artist such as him, who doesn't need any more money, wouldn't bother putting his songs in ads. But this will actually help the commercial get more hits, and like you said, get his fans to buy his stuff and tickets again. I think more artists should take this route. Not for the sole purpose of making more money, but for the fact that people want to hear stuff like this. I'm tired of average and mediocre ads. This is something different, and I hope others can take is as an example.
