Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Twitter Ads Test Billion-Dollar Valuation" By Ryan Singel

Twitter Update: Advertising Services Coming to the Tweet Spot.

Another new edition to the social networking world. Advertising is growing on the Internet and placing themselves in the right spot, where the people are. People are checking their Twitter pages at every minute of every day. Who's saying what, who's doing what, etc. With 22 million users, why not promote some advertisements on this huge success? These advertisements are more like promotions for products, such as Starbucks who have jump started this new phenomenon. I went on Twitter to see how it shows up, and when you type Starbucks in the search engine, you see this (below) as the first search result.
They use this to promote a product or a service, then provides a link that brings you to their page. This is a great way of advertising because it engages the audience of certain types of products or services and helps attract more and more people to their sites. I know a lot of us get bugged by advertisements on the Internet (I do, SORRY) but, this is a way of luring these audiences into interests of what these promoted ads. are doing.

“The one thing we are most excited about is these are simply tweets, not ads,” Buzzo said. “There is one big difference between a promoted tweet and a regular tweet. promoted tweets must meet a higher bar — they must resonate with users. This means that if users don’t do the things with promoted tweets that would normally do with a regular tweet such as reply to it, favorite it, or retweet it and so on, the promoted tweet will disappear.”

So, that's a plus. If we aren't interested in these certain tweets, they will be non-existent. But don't refer to them as "Ads" to Twitter; they're 'promoted tweets', so get it right. I guess this is worth a try for Twitter. As this article ends, Singel adds that this will be the testing point to see if Twitter is worth all of its dough and can produce more than what they have now or if its just a place for people to vent their every single thought.

Read More http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/04/twitter-tests-worth/comment-page-1/

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