Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Water-Cooler Effect: Internet Can Be TV'S Friend- By Brian Stelter

"You've Got A Friend In Me" ....How many of us in our day-to-day ritual of Web surfing and TV surfing do this surfing simultaneously? I know I do! I sit on my computer as I watch E! News or re-runs of The Office. I am actually doing exactly that, right now. When Internet came along, people thought it was going to be the end of Television. We can watch movies, listen to music, chat with friends, do our homework, all at the same time when we use our computers and browse the endless amounts of Internet site. It is the greatest creation ever made. I seriously, honestly, truthfully, do not remember life without the Internet. How sad.

In this article, we find that, alas! The Internet and TV go hand-in-hand. With the Internet at the tip of our fingers we can find out the latest information about show/series and games (such as the 2010 Olympics) and award shows (Grammy's, Oscars, Emmy's, Golden Globes). What is great is that we can chat with our friends and fellow Internet junkies about what is going and surprising events that have happened. Stelter writes in the article that NBC aired the Golden Globes on the East Coast and West Coast at the same time, which allowed everyone on the Internet to gab about it at their leisure. This is a first for something like this to happen, and I have always wondered why they would not air things at the same time. Since the Internet is all of the rage these days, and sites like Facebook and Twitter are always in use, East Coasters could spoil endings of a show, like LOST, or the ending of a football game for the West Coasters.

In the article it goes on to say that although spoilers can happen due to the Internet chat rooms, FB and Twit, people still want to view something for themselves. If you see a status on Facebook or a Tweet on Twitter that says, "OMG! I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED ON THE BACHELOR!!" That will set off people to say, "What HAPPENED??!" And they will want to see it themselves.

I do not think that it is shocking that ratings have shot up for TV because the Internet has advertisements about anything and everything. You see an advertisement for the new season of Gossip Girl and you cannot wait for it to start; The advertisements keep popping up and they remind you of your favorite shows, games, etc. which makes you tune into the boob tube. I think that it is great that Television and the Internet can bring people together and they can bring on more viewers and new viewers, because once something is out in the open and is being talked about, it attracts people.


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